I've started a program. It's called The House That Cleans Itself. I read the book, and you should too if you're housecleaning defunct like I am (was). I've been working through each room. My back room is pretty well done. I worked a while in the girls' room today also. I'm definitely starting to feel like I've got the hang of it. If I'd known all along that all I have to do to keep my house clean is to get rid of junk, then I would have done that a long time ago. Better yet, I would have skipped all those garage sales. And I could have saved the $9 I spent on the book!! Although it's fun to garage sale, I wound up with waaay too much junk! Someday maybe I'll post the before and after pictures, when I get done and when I'm feeling brave.
Today we had playgroup at the church. It was a ton of fun watching kids run around the gymnasium chasing each other and kicking balls. Who knew they could do so much with so little. That's the theme of the week. Less is more.
It turns out that the girls love vacuuming with my new cordless vacuum: the shark. They fight over it, in fact. I also had the girls slide under their bunk beds and get every last thing out from under it so we could vacuum. I counted to 100 and told them they could keep the change they found so they would stay motivated to work. It was pretty funny watching them wiggle into such a tight space. It worked though! Not a single mouse poop, toy, or candy wrapper under the bed now. Yeah! One small step for Annie, one giant leap for, well, never mind.
I got a call from Mom today while I was cooking dinner. She said Tony is in the hospital again having seizures. I prayed for him to not have any lasting damage, and that the Lord would calm he and Mom down. I also have been praying for him to know the Lord.
George and I got to go on a date. The coolest thing happened today! I got a phone call from my friend Kim Snyder and she said that she had paid a teenage babysitter, Ingrid, (name has been changed to protect identity) to babysit or clean for us. She also brought a friend with her, which turns out that I was neighbors with her mom when I was kid. Who knew. But we were able to go to Wal-Mart alone. Strangely, it seemed like it went faster than normal having him there. George and I always try to estimate how much our total with tax will be. He guessed $99 and I guessed $106. It was actually $104 something, so I won!!! Yes!! We also went to Braum's to get milk and sundaes. When we got home the girls were in bed (not sleeping) and no chores had been done. The babysitters were watching a movie when we came in. I figured two girls are better then one, and could get stuff done. I was wrong. Oh well. At least the girls are in one piece. I really can't complain because it wasn't me that paid them.
George just now fell asleep while I was reading the Bible out loud. He said he wanted me to read to him, so I asked him what he'd like to read about. I like to use Biblegateway.com, because it's so easy. I just did a subject search for Anger, and started reading. I then asked him, what else? He said he wanted to read about sleep. Then he fell asleep.
tin or aluminum?? diamonds are a girl's best friend
dreamt of it all my life. played those MASH games growing up and had which
friends i would have on my big day with how many kids i would have...
signed ma...
10 years ago